Step into a bizarre, post-apocalyptic America with two new regional settings for the Backwards: American Gothic Horror universe.
Please Note: Shipping fees for this project will be calculated at a later date. We plan to enter & charge backers for shipping a month or two before fulfillment when we have the most accurate estimates of what it will cost to ship rewards. We will alert backers when shipping costs are finalized & before we charge cards. We will keep you informed all along the way!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
February 2024 Update
12 months ago
– Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 06:56:15 AM
February 2024 Update
This is our monthly update for the month of February. If you’d like to hear more from us, you can check us out on twitter, sign up for our newsletter, follow us on itch, or chat with us in our discord.
Hello, Backwards Backers!
Here is what we have for you in today's update:
Backerkit Update
Follow-Up: Adventures for the Backwards Universe
Project Updates and Art Previews
Backerkit Surveys
You may have noticed: We're starting to lock orders and charge cards! Almost everyone has filled out their survey, but we are still looking for 20 or so folks to fill their surveys out.
As a reminder: Due to the volatility of shipping prices globally right now, shipping fees for this project will be calculated one or two months before fulfillment. We will alert backers when shipping costs are finalized & before we charge your cards.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
Create a Monster Tier
Now that we're charging cards, I'll be reaching out to folks in the Create a Monster tier who have filled out their surveys. I'm hoping to send some emails this weekend or early this week to get started! So, keep an eye on your email inbox. If I can't reach you there, I'll try via Kickstarter message.
Lots of great ideas in the surveys already, so I can't wait to get started!
Adventures for the Backwards Universe
As we mentioned last month and the month before, we had a couple of stretch goals that we didn't quite reach during the campaign: some adventures for the newest books in our series, Backchannels and Backwoods! We decided to make them anyway, and many of you have already added them to your order via Backerkit.
If you know folks who didn't get to support the original campaign and want some of the books, they can get them on Crowdfundr during Tabletop Nonstop: Backwards Adventures. This is a keep-it-all campaign, which means that you don't have to worry if we make our goal: we're making these books anyways.
That said, although most of the funds have been raised via Backerkit add-ons and preorders, we still have some funds to make up. So, if you can help us spread the word, we'd appreciate it! In particular, here is a thread we're trying to promote on twitter: Backwards Adventures for Tabletop Nonstop.
Project Updates and Art Preview
Progress marches on! One of our writers is finishing up their section for Backwoods this week, which I'm very excited about, and I've been working on some of the remaining writing for Backchannels. Art continues to come in, and I'll share some more previews below.
Art Previews
First up is a preview of our thematic character sheet stretch goal for Backwoods! These are being created by Sam Rustle, who makes some of the most beautiful sheets. This is just the line art, and Sam will paint the sheet next. You can see how it may look by comparing with some of Sam's other finished projects:
Up next is some Backchannels character art by Bakari "Aura" Griffin. Bakari has an awesome style, which I absolutely loved for some of our character archetypes (see Image #1). I'm no artist myself, but I love the sketched lines on these characters. We were lucky enough to work with her for some additional characters too, like Viola Ruiz and Langston Hurston below (Image #2).
Third is some art from Luke Broderick, who is our New England local working on a monster from the broader northeast: the Jersey Devil. Luke is the same artist who did our character archetypes and headless horseman for Backwoods. And he finished some more character art for us too, which I'll preview next week.
Finally, another map by Aaron Radney! Last month, I showed you all the map for the southeast. Aaron is also working on a map of the northeast and of the American Lands more broadly. Plus he's working on the market cover for Backchannels, which will go on POD and store stock and more. As for his map of the southeast, Aaron put a lot of thought into these pieces and how the geography of the U.S. has been altered by climate change and nuclear weapons. Once again, the different mockups imagine an altered geography that can affect trade and travel. Below are the thumbnails for the map of the northeast/the Heartlands. I opted for Option B, but I can't help imagine the implications of Option C and A, in particular.
And that's it for today! I hope you all enjoy the updates, and I look forward to sending some more previews next month!
Two Backerkit Updates
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 04:29:12 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
January 2024 Update
about 1 year ago
– Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 09:19:37 AM
January 2024 Update
This is our monthly update for the month of January. If you’d like to hear more from us, you can check us out on twitter, sign up for our newsletter, follow us on itch, or chat with us in our discord.
Hello, Backwards Backers!
Sorry if this update isn't as long as you might like. Unfortunately, this is the second time that I'm writing this, after I saved the draft, received the Draft Saved message, and then proceeded to find an empty draft upon returning to Kickstarter...
Here is what we have for you in today's update:
Backerkit Survey Reminders (Please fill these out! 82% are complete!)
Follow-Up: Adventures for the Backwards Universe
Project Updates and Art Previews
Backerkit Surveys
Last month, you received a link to your BackerKit survey! Don’t forget to fill it out! 82% of your peers have already done it! You'll need this survey to confirm your pledge, and it is your last chance to upgrade your pledge level or select add-ons. Finally, this survey is an opportunity to add some other special content that we have been working on... See "Adventures for the Backwards Universe" below.
As a reminder: Due to the volatility of shipping prices globally right now, shipping fees for this project will be calculated one or two months before fulfillment. We will alert backers when shipping costs are finalized & before we charge your cards.
If you need to review your information or pledge status, you can return to your survey by clicking the link in your survey email or requesting your survey link under "Lost your survey?" on our BackerKit project page at
Adventures for the Backwards Universe
As we mentioned last month, we had a couple of stretch goals that we didn't quite reach during the campaign: some adventures for the newest books in our series, Backchannels and Backwoods! We decided to make them anyway, and we'll run a keep-it-all crowdfund in February for ZiMo. They'll be available as a PDF and as a Zine, and you can already add them to your order via Backerkit.
Each adventure collection will include two adventures plus two one-sheet adventures. The physical copy will be a thick digest-sized zine. Here is a peak at the covers by Vincent Cecil (left) and Nala J. Wu (right)!
What are some things to love about these covers? Look at the texture of that spanish moss on the Backchannels Adventures cover, the lighting, and the very cool little spirits in each bottle! And look closely at the grass and apple tree near that old, abandoned cider mill on the Backwoods cover. Believe it or not: no green is used in this very creepy cover!
As a reminder, both of these new books include contributors from their featured region:
Backchannels Adventures features two contributors from the Southeast:
Featured Writer: John Gregory is a Charleston-based writer who has written for Lowcountry Crawl, Bridgetown, Gourmet Street, the Book of Gaub and more!
Featured Cover Artist: Vincent Cecil is a Florida based illustrator and graphic novelist who has worked on TTRPGs like Into the Motherlands and Gallant and True.
Backwoods Adventures features two New England-based contributors:
Featured Writer: Matt Joro is a writer, game designer, and TTRPG influencer from Boston, MA. He is the owner of Gemmed Firefly, a luxury shirt store for nerdy lifestyles, and can be found on most platforms as @Dungeonglitch.
Featured Cover Artist: Nala J. Wu is a proud QTPOC art director (All the Witches, Evil Hat) and award-winning illustrator (Coyote & Crow, Apocalypse Keys) who works full time in TTRPGs and grew up in Massachusetts.
I’m also working on some physical copies of our original books! You can check out a proof of Backwater Adventures here:
Project Updates and Art Preview
This update is arriving a week late after a rough December and a busy start to January. Between the holidays, some unexpected medical appointments and COVID, and a busy season for work, it's also time to organize tax-related materials. Thanks to those of you who have been patient with me, and if you're waiting on updates from other ttrpg creators at this time, please share some grace with them, as this can be a hard and busy time of year.
That said, the busy time has not slowed down the progress on the new books. A lot has happened since I sent last month’s update. Artists have started on the remaining art for the new books, and I’ll show you a few of those pieces today. Work on the remaining writing continues, in addition to some layout work and print proofs for the Backwater and Backroads adventure books. What else? Well, at the end of January, I’ll begin charging cards for any upgrades in Backerkit, and at that point, we'll start working on the Create A Monster tier work. If you’re in that tier and have already answered your survey, you’ll be hearing from me soon!
Art Preview
First up is a Geiger counter and hazmat helmet by Tate Allen! Now you too can visit the irradiated craters of Old World cities! I just love Tate's style, and these are going to look so cool when they're done.
Now, some thumbnails for the map of the Gulf Ward, by Aaron Radney. Aaron has put a lot of thought into these pieces and how the geography of the U.S. has been altered by climate change and nuclear weapons. You can tell! Personally, I really enjoyed looking at these pieces and the questions that they raised about how the altered geography affects trade and travel around the peninsula but also between the Gulf and Atlantic. Doesn't it get your imagination spinning?
And finally, the finished version of Carlos Eulefi's Giant Crocodile! I like how the mangrove trees and half-sunken ship bring in the book's themes. And at the same time, I enjoy the perspective in the art, particularly how the seagull's relative size to the crocodile forces us to reconcile just how large that crocodile actually is.
And that's it for today! Thank you all for your patience with this update. I look forward to the next update in early February and to reaching out to those of in the Create a Monster tier who have already completed their surveys (soon!).
November 2023 Update
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 02:47:15 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Thank You and First Steps
over 1 year ago
– Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 04:37:23 PM
Thank You! We funded thanks to your support!
If you haven't already heard the news, we funded! Not only that, we hit our first stretch goal too! That means that all backers will receive two thematic, form-fillable character sheets (PDFs) with their pledge. Sam Rustle will design these sheets, each of which will feature creepy illustrations based on the Backwoods or Backchannels setting.
I said this when our last campaign funded too, and while it's cliché it's also entirely true: for Alex and myself these games are "heartwork." Simply put: thesegamesare prompted by and executed with theheart,all of one'sheart. We enjoy this work, and we want to create things that others can enjoy. We wouldn't be able to do that without you. So, thank you for your support!And thank you for helping us make this project the best that it can be!
Future Updates
We don't want to overload your inbox. Our plan is to send out one update per month via Kickstarter. We did this for our last two campaigns, and it worked well. It keeps us accountable, and it allows us to show you what we've been working on. Especially new art!
Next Steps
What's next? First, we need a few days off. We also have to wait until Kickstarter collects all of the funds and distributes them to us. So, please make sure that Kickstarter is able to collect your pledge.If your card has expired or there is an issue processing your pledge, Kickstarter will notify you and give you some time to remedy the situation. Keep an eye on that so that you don't miss out on your rewards!
Some of the first itemson our list:
Did you pledge for a PDF of Backwater,Backroads, or the Adventures? We'll fulfill these around the end of November, after all funds are processed/distributed.
Do your rewards include a special acknowledgement? For those of you who selected a special acknowledgement or received it as part of your reward tier, we'll be reaching out soon to learn how you would like your name displayed on the Acknowledgements page. You'll also have the option to add a First Name and a Last Name to the books' random name tables.
Do your rewards include "Create a Monster"? For those of you who selected "Create a Monster" or receive it as part of your reward tier, we'll be reaching out soon to begin this process. If you aren't ready to suggest ideas yet, you can just tell us that you need more time.
Thank You!
Let us thank you one more time! Seriously, we are so grateful for your support, and we're excited to share these games with you. This is all that we have for our first post, but you'll be hearing from us soon!